Scenic Hocking Hills State Park – Photo Essay

Hocking Hills is a state park in southern Ohio with some spectacular terrain featuring tall cliffs, deep narrow gorges, huge caves and small waterfalls. There are enough trails and natural points of interest worth spending at least a weekend there.

The best time to visit is in the Spring or Fall. During the Summer, the streams are often completely dry, or have very little flow, and the waterfalls just have a trickle of water.

Expect the place to be crowded.

Since it is a very popular tourist destination, you have quite a choice of lodging. There are few motels in the area and nearby Logan. There are few campgrounds where you can pitch a tent, park a trailer or rent a cabin. Then there is a number of rental cabins.

Below are few photos to show you how picturesque the area is… And since picture is worth a thousand words, I let the photos do the talking…

If you would like to find out more details about the park, you can read my post: Amazing Hocking Hills State Park in Ohio.

Hocking Hills State Park

Hocking Hills State Park

Hocking Hills State Park

Hocking Hills State Park

Hocking Hills State Park

Hocking Hills State Park

Hocking Hills State Park

Hocking Hills State Park

Hocking Hills State Park

Hocking Hills State Park

Hocking Hills State Park

Hocking Hills State Park

Hocking Hills State Park

Hocking Hills State Park

Hocking Hills State Park

Rich S.
Rich S.
Rich S. is a lifetime photographer and traveler based in Metro Detroit area. He has been traveling the Great Lakes area for over 30 years. Follow his blog about his trips, interesting activities and destinations in the Great Lakes region.

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